Zhao M, Liu B, Shan L, Li C, Wu Q, Hao Y, Chen Z, Lan L, Kang Z, Liang L, Ning N. Can integration reduce inequity in healthcare utilization? Evidence and hurdles in China. BMC Health Services Research. 2019 Dec;19(1):1-1.
Wang R, Chen Z, Zhou Y, Shen L, Zhang Z, Wu X. Melancholy or mahjong? Diversity, frequency, type, and rural-urban divide of social participation and depression in middle-and old-aged Chinese: a fixed-effects analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 2019 Oct 1;238:112518.
Wang R., Bishwajit G, Zhou Y, Wu X, Feng D, Tang S, Chen Z, Shaw I, Wu T, Song H, Fu Q, Feng Z. Intensity, frequency, duration, and volume of physical activity and its association with risk of depression in middle- and older-aged Chinese: evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, 2015, PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221430.
Song H, Zhang D, Chen Z, Wang R, Tang S, Bishwajit G, Chen S, Feng D, Wu T, Wang Y, Su Y, Feng Z. Utilisation of national community-based hypertension monitoring service among Chinese older patients and its impact on hypertension control—a mediation analysis in logistic regression. BMC Geriatrics. 2019 vol: 19 (1) pp: 162
Wu T, Deng Z, Chen Z, Zhang D, Wang R, Wu X. Predictors of Patients’ Intention to Interact with Doctors in Web-Based Health Communities in China: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (forthcoming). doi:10.2196/13693
Li, S., Zhang, D., & Chen, Z. (2019). Impact of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme on Individual Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure. The Chinese Economy, 52, p488-504. DOI:10.1080/10971475.2019.1617956
Wu T, Deng Z, Chen Z, Zhang D, Wu X, Wang R. Predictors of patients’ loyalty towards doctors on online health communities. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019 (Sep 03); 21(9):e14484. DOI: 10.2196/14484
Zhou, C. H., Tang, S. F., Wang, X. H., Chen, Z., Zhang, D. I., Gao, J. L., Ghose, B., Feng, D., He, Z.-F., Yaya, S., & Feng, Z. C. (2018). Satisfaction about Patient-centeredness and Healthcare System among Patients with Chronic Multimorbidity. Current Medical Science, 38(1), 184-190.
Luo H, Chen Z, Xu L, Bell RA. Health care access and receipt of clinical diabetes preventive care for working-age adults with diabetes in states with and without Medicaid expansion: Results from the 2013 and 2015 BRFSS. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 25(4):e34–e43, July/August 2019
Wang R, Tang S, Shaw I, Feng Z, Chen Z, Luo Y, Song H, Wu T, Fu Q, Fu H, Huang Y, Chen X, Feng D. Integrated Decision-making model for Community-based Rehabilitation service utilisation among persons with Severe Mental Illness in China: Protocol for a cross-sectional mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 2018; 8:e021528. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021528.
Luo H, Bell RA, Cummings DM, Chen Z. Diabetes Preventive Care Practices in North Carolina, 2000–2015. Prev Chronic Dis 2018;15:170316. DOI:
Chen Z*, Kolor K*, Grosse SD, Rodriguez JL, Lynch JA, Green RF, Dotson WD, Bowen MS, Khoury MJ. Trends in Utilization and Costs of BRCA Testing among Women Ages 18-64 Years in the United States, 2003-2014. (*: co-first author). Genetics in Medicine. 2018 Apr;20(4):428-434 [nominated for CDC Shepard Award]
Kolor K, Chen Z, Grosse SD, Rodriguez JL, Green RF, Dotson WD, Bowen MS, Lynch JA, Khoury MJ. BRCA Genetic Testing and Receipt of Preventive Interventions among Women Aged 18–64 Years with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas — United States, 2009–2014. MMWR Surveill Summ 2017;66(No. SS-15):1–11. DOI:
Athar, H., Chen, Z. A. A., Contreary, K., Xu, X., Dube, S. R., and Chang, M.-H. H. (2015). Impact of increasing coverage for select smoking cessation therapies with no Out-of-Pocket cost among the Medicaid population in Alabama, Georgia, and Maine Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2016, Jan-Feb;22(1):40-7.
Contreary K, Chen Z, Chattopadhyay SK, Chang M-H. A Review of Tools to Calculate the Cost of Health Conditions and Common Health Risk Factors. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2015, Nov-Dec;21(6):E1-E10
Chen Z, Roy K., Gotway Crawford CA. Obesity Prevention: The Impact of Local Health Departments. Health Services Research. 2013, 48(2):603-627. [nominated for CDC Shepard Award]
Chen Z, Lu M. Income-related Inequalities in Self-assessed Health in Shanghai, China. The Chinese Economy, 2013, 46(1):75-86.
Chen Z, Crawford Gotway CA. The Role of Geographic Scale in Testing the Income Inequality Hypothesis as an Explanation of Health Disparities. Social Science & Medicine 2012;75:1022-1031 [Received CDC Excellence in Behavioral and Social Science Research Award]
Chen Z, Roy K., Gotway Crawford CA. Evaluation of Variance Estimators for the Concentration and Health Achievement Indices: A Monte Carlo Simulation, Health Economics, 2012, 21(11):1375-1381.
Chen Z, Huffman WE, Rozelle S. Inverse relationship between productivity and farm size: The case of China. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2011, 29(4):580-592.
Chen Z, Zhang Q. Nutrigenomics Hypothesis: Examining the Association between Food Stamp Program Participation and Bodyweight among Low-income Women. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2011, 32:508-520.
Zhang Q, Chen Z, Diawara N, Wang Y. Prices of unhealthy foods, U.S. Food Stamp Program participation, and body weight status among low-income women. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2011, 30:245-256.
Meltzer DO, Chen Z. The impact of minimum wage rates on body weight in the United States, in Economic Aspects of Obesity. Grossman M, Mocan N. eds, pp 17-34. The University Of Chicago Press, May 1, 2011. (National Bureau of Economic Research book series) [Book chapter]
Truman BI, Smith CK, Roy K, Chen Z, Moonesinghe R, Zhu J, Gotway Crawford CA, Zaza S. Rationale for Regular Reporting on Health Disparities and Inequalities — United States. MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 2011, 60 (Supplement, January 14): 3-10.
Chen Z. Impact of Education, Food Prices, and Availability on Obesity: A Comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2011, 93(2): 387-388.
Song S, Zhu E., Chen Z. Equal Work Opportunity But Unequal Income: Gender Disparities Among Low-Income Households in Urban China, The Chinese Economy 2011, 44(1):40–46.
Chen Z, Roy K., Gotway Crawford CA. Examining the Role of Gender in Career Advancement at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. American Journal of Public Health 2010, 100:426-434.
Chen Z, Roy K., Haddix AC., Thacker SB. Factors associated with differences in mortality and self-reported health across states in the United State. Health Policy 2010, 94: 203-210.
Cho S-H, Lambert D, Chen Z. Geographically Weighted Regression Bandwidth Selection and Spatial Autocorrelation: An Empirical Example Using Chinese Agriculture Data. Applied Economics Letters 2010, 17(8): 767-772.
Cho S-H, Chen Z, Poudyal N. Spatial Structure of Agricultural Production in China. Applied Economics 2010, 42(16): 2031-2040.
Monchuk D, Chen Z,, Bonaparte Y. Explaining Production Inefficiency in China’s Agriculture Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Semi-Parametric Bootstrapping. China Economic Review 2010, 21:346-354.
Chen Z, Yen ST, Eastwood DB. Changing health inequality in China: The role of relative income. in Investing in Human Capital for Economic Development in China, Liu G.G., Zhang S., Zhang Z. eds, pp 261-276. Chapter 15, World Scientific Publishing Company, April 15, 2010.
Chen Z, Roy K, Calculating the Concentration Index with Repetitive Values of Indicators of Economic Welfare. Journal of Health Economics 2009;28:169-175.
Chen Z, Cho S-H, Poudyal N, Roberts R. Forecasting House Prices under Different Market Segmentation Assumptions. Urban Studies 2009; 46:167–187.
Yen ST, Chen Z, Eastwood DB. Lifestyle and obesity: a multi-regime switching regression analysis with an endogenous regressor. Health Services Research 2009;44:1345-1369.
Roy, K., Chen Z., Haddix AC., Prevention Effectiveness. in Principles of Public Health Practice, 3rd edition, pp 307-325, Chapter 13, Cengage Learning, Inc, Florence, Kentucky, 2009.
Roy K., Chen Z, Gotway Crawford CA. Economic Perspective on Strategic Human Capital Management and Planning for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2009 November (supplement), 15(6):S79-S89.
Gotway Crawford CA, Summerfelt WT, Roy K, Chen Z, Meltzer DO, Thacker SB. Perspectives on Public Health Workforce Research. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2009, November (supplement), 15(6):S5-S15.
Chen Z, Huffman WE, Rozelle S. Farm technology and technical efficiency: evidence from four regions in China. China Economic Review 2009;20(2):153-161
Chen Z, Hou JW. Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Thematic Issue on Family Economic Issues in Developing and Transition Economies. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2009;30:111-2.
Chen Z, Meltzer DO. Beefing up with the Chans: Evidence for the effects of relative income and income inequality on health from the China Health and Nutrition Survey. Social Science & Medicine 2008; 66:2206-2217.
Yen ST, Andrews M, Chen Z, Eastwood DB. Food Stamp Program Participation and Food Insecurity: An instrumental variables approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2008; 90(1):117-132.
Cho S-H, Chen Z, Yen ST. Urban Growth Boundary and Housing Prices: The Case of Knox County, Tennessee. Review of Regional Studies 2008; 38: 29-44.
Chen Z, Song S. Efficiency and Technology Gap in China’s Agriculture: A Meta-Frontier Analysis. China Economic Review 2008;19:287-296.
Chen Z, Yang Y. Time Series Models for Forecasting: Testing or Combining? Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econom, 2007;11(1), Article 3.
Chen Z, Development and inequality: an endogenous switching regression approach. Economics Letters 2007;96:269-274.
Chen Z, Yen ST, Eastwood DB. Does cigarette consumption have a causal effect on weight reduction? Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2007;28:49-67.
Cho S-H, Chen Z, Yen ST, English B. Spatial variation of input elasticities: Evidence from Chinese county-level agricultural production data. Papers on Regional Science 2007;86(1):139-157.
Chen Z, Eastwood DB, Yen ST. A decade’s story of childhood malnutrition inequality in China: Where do you live does matter. China Economic Review 2007;18:139-154
Chen Z, Yen ST. Better technology, better plots, or better farmers? Identifying changes in productivity and risk among Malagasy rice farms: A comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2006;88:763-6.
Cho S-H, Chen Z, Yen ST, Eastwood DB. The effects of urban sprawl on body mass index: where people live does matter. Consumer Interest Annual 2006;52:159-169.
Cho S-H, Chen Z, Yen ST, Eastwood DB. Estimating Effects of an Urban Growth Boundary on Land Development, Tennessee. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 2006;38:287-298.
Chen Z., Huffman WE. Measuring county-level technical efficiency of Chinese agriculture: a spatial analysis. Book Chapter, included in China’s Agricultural Development: Challenges and Prospects, pp.152-172. Edited by X-Y. Dong, S. Song, & X. Zhang, Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK. 2006. (refereed)
Chen Z, Yen ST, Eastwood DB. Effects of food stamp participation on body weight and obesity. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2005,87:1167-73.
Chen Z, Yen ST. On bias correction in the multivariate sample-selection model. Applied Economics, 2005;37:2459-2468.
Papers in Chinese
Chen Z, Ma Y., About minimum wage system in China, Journal of China Finance Institute, Mar. 1997 (p26-29), Reprinted by Labor Economics and Human Resource Management Oct. 1997.
Ma Y., Chen Z, Dynamic analysis of technology innovation diffusion system, Science Progress & Policy Vol. 15, Issue 4, pp50-51, 1998, Wuhan, China.
Ma Y., Chen Z. Analysis on overeducation in China, Review on Comparative Education, Jan. 2000, pp63-65.
Ma Y., Chen Z., Chen G., Modeling diffusion of science advancement and technology innovation, Journal of Hefei University of Technology, Vol. 22 Iss 3, pp68-72, 1999, Hefei, China.
Chen Z., Ma Y. A comprehensive analysis of technology innovation dynamic system, Science, Technology and Management. Jan 1999, pp63-65.